Introducing The Rhythm And Reading Video Series!

I'm excited because today I'm introducing a new video series on rhythm and reading. You can watch the videos as I post them here on or head over to my YouTube Channel. Now the concept behind it is take you from absolute beginner all the way through to being a college-level reader.

To do that, I'm going to be posting a series of lectures where I present rhythmic concepts and then assign homework. Your book for the beginner and intermediate part of the series is Joel Rothman’s Teaching Rhythm (paid link below).

l love using this book and I mentioned it throughout the videos. The idea is that I will teach a concept from the book and then I’ll assign pages to practice.

There are multiple pages per concept. So for example, I’ll teach a topic and then there might be 14 pages of practice material. That's 14 weeks of lessons if you're taking lessons with me. So that should give you an idea of the amount of content that we will cover in a short amount of time. As we get into some more advanced concepts there will be other books, but for now this is where we're starting.

Now the other thing I recommend you get is a metronome (paid link below). I recommend a standalone device, an actual metronome, versus using an app on your phone because I found the phones to be distracting during my practice. Metronomes are purpose built, so they will have a loud speaker and lights to help you keep time.

You may have questions as you go through the videos. I might not explain something in a way that you understand and that's quite all right. Please reach out to me on my contact page, or put questions in the comments below or on the YouTube video. I also invite you to record yourself practicing these lessons and send them to me. I’ll check them out and send you critiques and give you pointers. I know so many people are teaching themselves and learning from home right now. I would love for this to be a great resource for you. Keep coming back here to as I build a hub for all of the videos and resources I mention in the videos.

There is one last thing. The links I posted will take you to my Amazon Associates products, where I will receive a commission if you purchase something. They don't increase the price, I just get a cut. So, if you were to do that it would be amazing. It helps me out and I would really appreciate it.

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey. Please remember to like the videos and subscribe to my YouTube Channel. The first video up is The Elements of Music. Thanks for watching!